Monday, October 20, 2008


Yesterday and this morning while I was in the tub, I spent the majority of the time watching my belly! This little guy is either really big, or really strong, as I don't remember this amount of abdominal movement with Ivy at this point. It was a lot later on in the pregnancy when I could see my stomach roil with baby.

And this guy is a kicker. Ivy was more of a spinner. I would call her my little ballerina. This one already wants to play "kung fu" with his siblings. (See photo below of their nightly tournaments)

Last night I took my final dosing of the BV meds and I think that I'm slowly on the mend. Yesterday along with working and going grocery shopping, I was tylenol free all day. Today Ivy and I were able to take a 5 block walk to the movie store, which in my mind was comparable to doing a marathon last week. I'm also considering the fact that 2 days of Chris doing primary parenting has left me well equipped to handle things. I'm not jinxing myself. We're taking it one day at a time!


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I have missed so much -- I am just catching up. That really bites about the pelvic pain! Fancy Cheeks dropped onto a nerve in my pelvis and I thought I might die. (But yet like you, doesn't scar me enough to decide to never do it again. *muhaha*). Seriously though, praying all that pain goes away!

And I had me a kung-fu baby inuteruo too, and she's still that way, so I bet yuo're right - he will be joining hid siblings on the bed soon!

Anonymous said...

Whew -- so glad you're feeling better, and I hope it continues to improve. Love the pics!!

Catherine said...

aww honey! I love the pics of them, they remind me of katie and Jonathan but I'm sorry your little guy is doing that to your insides.. ouchie!! Hope you get some relief!!!