Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Dentist

I'm not sure if Hendrix loved being at the dentist with me today or hated it. Regardless, he was animated like I haven't felt him before. Maybe it was because I was reclined all the way back? He is getting much stronger.

Since I couldn't take a tranquilizer, I took my relaxation cds. The hygenist was very nice, but it was one of the roughest cleanings I have ever had. I'm still sore and can only imagine what it will be like tomorrow. They said that I have pregnancy induced gingivitis and that could be why everything was more sensitive. Plus, I was drug free, which really sucked. I'm still shocked at myself for keeping the appointment.

Otherwise, no cavities, which is huge. After I had Ivy, I had 7 cavities. Yep, I sure wasn't proud of that accomplishment. At least I'm not headed down that road again!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I had my first cavity right after Chan. And I remember my gums being super sensitive during pregnancy. I'm so glad you're taking care of it....I'd be a wuss.