Saturday, August 2, 2008

Pregnancy Police Attack

And I didn't do anything wrong! And they were both under 16!
This week I had to escape from the in-law infestation, but mostly from Chris, so I had a night out with some of my girls.
On her way to meet me and some friends for dinner, my sis had to take my niece home. She told my niece that she was meeting me and some friends for drinks. My niece came unglued and said that I can't be drinking because I'm pregnant. My sis said that she was sure that I would have a soda or something besides alcohol. My niece then quietly said, "Drinking is very bad for the baby." She's 10.
Then my nephew called my sis to see if he could do something with his friends. He asked what she was doing. She said, "I'm out with Auntie and some friends." He then comes unglued and says, "Auntie cannot be drinking. Is Auntie drinking? She is pregnant and can't be drinking." My sis told him to relax and the I was having a virgin pina colada, just like he has at dinner. He's 15.
The eyes are everywhere.


KrayonKel said...

Awww.... it's kinda sweet in a "it's none of your business" kind of way. ;) LOL!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like this is one loved baby, that's for sure! He/she has lots of protectors! LOL