Wednesday, June 25, 2008

All's Well!

Waving Hello

Little one looks great! Kept doing backspins and being a wiggle worm the whole time. Seems it will fit in with brother and sister just fine with all of the activity going on in there.

Hopefully next u/s we will get to see what we are having!


Anonymous said...

YES YES YES, So happy for you!!

Pretty Momma said...

I am beyond happy for you. I'd do the happy dance but I can't wake up Princess Peach who's (FINALLY) asleep in my lap. But huge hugs and congrats!

Melissa said...

Yay baby!!! We love us an active bebe! K---are you feeling any better? I'm so glad to hear bebe looks good.
Auntie Melissa

5KidMom said...

The babe looks positively perfect! It's amazing how resilient they are; considering the pukeys, anxieties, lack of eating, etc. us Mom's throw at them.

I'm happy to hear your infection is better. Just remember, it won't be long before you start to show and can actually feel pregnant instead of just sick. It's amazing what a baby bump and wiggly toes can do settle a Mama's worried heart.

Catherine said...

oh honey! I love to see those photos!! What a happy sight!!!

So glad to hear you're feeling better.



writex3 said...

I just finished working fair concessions w/Mrs. I and she asked me if I had seen your adorable baby it was first on the agenda when I got home! Congratulations!