Sunday, June 29, 2008

The hair and Chris finally lets the cat out

To answer Kelly's question, about a month or so ago, my hair was causing me great concern. The piecey-ness had grown out to a Carol Brady, not so attractive, bi layered mess. I had just decided to hire the housekeeper so $ was on my mind. I took a pair of scissors to the office and asked my mom or my sis to hack it off. My sis took on the challenge and it is no longer causing me grief. It's gonna stay short for the summer at least!
We got a new car last week to accomodate the growing group of children in this place. 7 seats! Yeah! I can fill those seats with my eyes closed and the help our our adoption agency.
Last night at the reception Chris was showing his sister and her bf the new car. When I was dancing with one of Chris' step sisters, he FINALLY told his sis that we are expecting. He hadn't told anyone yet. That is so difficult when all my fam knows but his doesn't.
I told Chris last week that I was starting to show. He so did not believe me. HA!
I asked him why he ended up telling her last night. He said, "Um, while you were dancing with Tracy looking all pregnant, I had to say something!" I said, " I TOLD YOU I was showing!!" He got a big smile on his face and said, "Yeah, you really are." HA!
I guess that he said to them, "So, I guess you know why we need a bigger car." His sister started laughing and said, "As soon as you two walked in, I wanted to say, ' How far along are you guys?' Then my bf said something, but we just decided to keep our mouths shut until one of you said something."
I knew I was showing.


5KidMom said...

You are showing. I was just looking at the pictures in your last post, and thought "There is NO WAY they are going to be able to keep this cat in the bag until 20 weeks!" You look adorable, and I think you might want to go shopping for another dress for that next wedding reception. Ya know, just in case. 8^)

writex3 said...

How cute! You, that is! I'm so happy for you guys. And yes, you are showing in a perfect, adorable, hot-mamma way. Isn't it funny how soon the 2nd one pops out? I think I was in sweats before I even knew I was pregnant with PL! Congratulations!

Pretty Momma said...

This post just made me grin like a fool. I love that you are starting to show, and that people can tell! Hooray for your little grapefruit princess! (Yes, I am totally thinking girl!)

Getting a new car is a big step! Three definitely don't fit into a sedan.
